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David Gromov

Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13

Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13: A Review and Guide

If you are working with X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, you may have heard of Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13. This is a software program that allows you to search and view the PDF database of the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD). The PDF database contains over 900,000 entries of crystallographic and diffraction data for various materials, such as minerals, metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, etc. Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 is a useful tool for XRD analysis, as it helps you to identify and characterize the materials based on their XRD patterns.

Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13

In this article, we will review and guide you on how to use Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 for XRD analysis. We will cover the following topics:

  • What is Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 and what are its features?

  • How to download and install Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 on your computer?

  • How to search and view the PDF database using Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13?

  • How to compare and match your XRD data with the PDF database using Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13?

  • What are some alternatives to Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 for XRD analysis?

What is Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 and what are its features?

Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 is a software program that allows you to search and view the PDF database of the ICDD. The PDF database is a collection of crystallographic and diffraction data for various materials that are obtained from various sources, such as journals, books, reports, etc. The PDF database is updated regularly by the ICDD, which is a non-profit scientific organization dedicated to collecting, editing, publishing, and distributing powder diffraction data.

Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 has the following features:

  • It runs on Windows 7 32-bit operating system.

  • It has a simple and user-friendly interface that allows you to search and view the PDF database easily.

  • It allows you to search the PDF database by various criteria, such as name, formula, cell parameters, space group, etc.

  • It displays the PDF data in various formats, such as text, table, graph, etc.

  • It allows you to compare and match your XRD data with the PDF database using various methods, such as peak search, profile fitting, Rietveld refinement, etc.

  • It allows you to export and print the PDF data and your XRD results.

How to download and install Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 on your computer?

Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 is not a free software program. You need to purchase it from the official website of the ICDD or other authorized dealers. The price of Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 depends on your membership status with the ICDD and the type of license you choose. You can find more information about the price and license options on the official website of the ICDD.

To download and install Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 on your computer, you need to follow these steps:

  • Purchase Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 from the official website of the ICDD or other authorized dealers. You will receive an email with a download link and a license key.

  • Download the Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 file from the download link. It will be a ZIP file that contains the setup file and some other files.

  • Extract the ZIP file using a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip. You will get a folder that contains the setup file and some other files.

  • Run the setup file and follow the instructions to install Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 on your computer. Choose a destination folder where you want to install it.

  • Enter your license key when prompted during the installation process. This will activate Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 on your computer.

  • Run Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 as a standalone program or as a plugin in your XRD software.

How to search and view the PDF database using Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13?

Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 allows you to search and view the PDF database by various criteria, such as name, formula, cell parameters, space group, etc. You can also browse through

the PDF database by categories and subcategories. To search and view

the PDF database using Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13,

you need to follow these steps:

Run Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 as a standalone program or as a plugin in

  • your XRD software.

Select File > Open Database from

the menu bar. This will open a dialog box that allows you

to choose which PDF database you want

to open. You can choose between PDF-4+, PDF-4/Minerals,


  • or PDF-2.

Select one of

the PDF databases

and click OK.

This will open another dialog box that allows

you to choose which subset of data

you want

to open.

  • You can choose between All Data or Selected Data.

Select one of

the subsets of data

and click OK.

This will open another dialog box that allows

you to choose which fields of data

you want

to display.

  • You can choose between Basic Fields or Advanced Fields.

Select one of

the fields of data

and click OK.

This will open another dialog box that allows

you to choose how

you want

to display

the data.

  • You can choose between Text Mode or Table Mode.

Select one of

the modes of display

and click OK.

This will open another dialog box that allows

you to search for specific entries in

  • the PDF database by various criteria.

Enter your search criteria in one or more fields in

the dialog box.

You can use wildcards (*) or logical operators (AND/OR)

to refine your search.

  • You can also use parentheses () to group your search terms.

Click Search or press Enter.

  • This will display a list of entries that match your search criteria in a window below.

Select one or more entries from

the list by clicking on them or using Ctrl+click or Shift+click.

This will display their detailed data in another window on

  • the right side.

You can view their detailed data in various formats by clicking on different tabs at

the bottom of

the window.

You can view their text data (Text),

their table data (Table),

their graph data (Graph),

their structure model (Structure),

their XRD pattern (Pattern),

  • or their references (References).

How to compare and match your XRD data with the PDF database using Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13?

Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 allows you to compare and match your XRD data with

the PDF database using various methods,

such as peak search,

profile fitting,

Rietveld refinement,


You can also perform quantitative analysis,

crystallite size estimation,

strain calculation,


To compare and match

your XRD data with

the PDF database using Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13,

you need to follow these steps:

Run Pcpdfwin Jpcd

What are some advantages and disadvantages of using Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 for XRD analysis?

Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 is a software program that has some advantages and disadvantages for XRD analysis. Here are some of them:

  • Advantages:

  • It allows you to access a large and comprehensive database of crystallographic and diffraction data for various materials.

  • It helps you to identify and characterize the materials based on their XRD patterns.

  • It offers various methods and tools to compare and match your XRD data with the PDF database.

  • It provides various formats and options to display, export, and print the PDF data and your XRD results.

  • It has a simple and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use and customize.

  • Disadvantages:

  • It is not a free software program. You need to purchase it from the official website of the ICDD or other authorized dealers.

  • It runs only on Windows 7 32-bit operating system. You may need to upgrade or downgrade your operating system to use it.

  • It is not a software program for XRD analysis. It is only a software program to search and view the PDF database. You still need another software program to perform XRD analysis on your data.

  • It may not have the latest or complete data for some materials. You may need to update or supplement the PDF database with other sources of data.

What are some alternatives to Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 for XRD analysis?

If you are looking for a software program that can perform XRD analysis on your data, you may want to try some alternatives to Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13. Here are some of them:

  • JANA2006:

  • JANA2006 is a software program that can solve crystal structures from powder diffraction data as well as single crystal data. It can also refine structures using various methods, such as Rietveld refinement, Le Bail method, Pawley method, etc. It can also perform various calculations, such as bond lengths, bond angles, symmetry analysis, etc. It can also display and export various formats of data, such as text, table, graph, structure model, etc. JANA2006 is compatible with most operating systems and plugin formats, and it is free for academic use.

  • MAUD:

  • MAUD is a software program that can perform XRD analysis using the Rietveld method as well as other methods, such as Whole Powder Pattern Decomposition (WPPD), Single Line Fitting (SLF), etc. It can also perform various calculations, such as crystallite size estimation, strain calculation, texture analysis, etc. It can also display and export various formats of data, such as text, table, graph, structure model, etc. MAUD is compatible with most operating systems and plugin formats, and it is free for academic use.

  • FullProf:

FullProf is a software program that can perform XRD analysis using the Rietveld method as well as other methods, such as Le Bail method, Pawley method,

What are some advantages and disadvantages of using Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 for XRD analysis?

Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 is a software program that has some advantages and disadvantages for XRD analysis. Here are some of them:

  • Advantages:

  • It allows you to access a large and comprehensive database of crystallographic and diffraction data for various materials.

  • It helps you to identify and characterize the materials based on their XRD patterns.

  • It offers various methods and tools to compare and match your XRD data with the PDF database.

  • It provides various formats and options to display, export, and print the PDF data and your XRD results.

  • It has a simple and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use and customize.

  • Disadvantages:

  • It is not a free software program. You need to purchase it from the official website of the ICDD or other authorized dealers.

  • It runs only on Windows 7 32-bit operating system. You may need to upgrade or downgrade your operating system to use it.

  • It is not a software program for XRD analysis. It is only a software program to search and view the PDF database. You still need another software program to perform XRD analysis on your data.

  • It may not have the latest or complete data for some materials. You may need to update or supplement the PDF database with other sources of data.

What are some alternatives to Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 for XRD analysis?

If you are looking for a software program that can perform XRD analysis on your data, you may want to try some alternatives to Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13. Here are some of them:

  • JANA2006:

  • JANA2006 is a software program that can solve crystal structures from powder diffraction data as well as single crystal data. It can also refine structures using various methods, such as Rietveld refinement, Le Bail method, Pawley method, etc. It can also perform various calculations, such as bond lengths, bond angles, symmetry analysis, etc. It can also display and export various formats of data, such as text, table, graph, structure model, etc. JANA2006 is compatible with most operating systems and plugin formats, and it is free for academic use.

  • MAUD:

  • MAUD is a software program that can perform XRD analysis using the Rietveld method as well as other methods, such as Whole Powder Pattern Decomposition (WPPD), Single Line Fitting (SLF), etc. It can also perform various calculations, such as crystallite size estimation, strain calculation, texture analysis, etc. It can also display and export various formats of data, such as text, table, graph, structure model, etc. MAUD is compatible with most operating systems and plugin formats, and it is free for academic use.

  • FullProf:

FullProf is a software program that can perform XRD analysis using the Rietveld method as well as other methods, such as Le Bail method,

Pawley method,


It can also perform various calculations,

such as crystallite size estimation,

strain calculation,

texture analysis,


It can also display and export various formats of data,

such as text,



structure model,


FullProf is compatible with most operating systems

and plugin formats,

  • and it is free for academic use.

  • X'Pert HighScore Plus:

X'Pert HighScore Plus is a software program that can perform XRD analysis using

the Rietveld method

as well as other methods,

such as Le Bail method,

Pawley method,



It can also perform various calculations,

such as crystallite size estimation,

strain calculation,

texture analysis,

phase identification,

quantitative analysis,


It can also display and export various formats of data,

such as text,



structure model,


X'Pert HighScore Plus is compatible with most operating systems

and plugin formats,

and it is a commercial product

that requires a license

  • to use.


Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 is a software program that allows you to search

and view the PDF database of the ICDD

for XRD analysis.

It has some advantages

and disadvantages

for XRD analysis,

and it may not be suitable

for everyone's needs.

If you are looking for a software program that can perform XRD analysis

on your data,

you may want to try some alternatives

to Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13

that have different features

and capabilities.

We hope this article has helped you

to learn more about Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13

and its alternatives

for XRD analysis.


Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13 is a software program that allows you to search

and view the PDF database of the ICDD

for XRD analysis.

It has some advantages

and disadvantages

for XRD analysis,

and it may not be suitable

for everyone's needs.

If you are looking for a software program that can perform XRD analysis

on your data,

you may want to try some alternatives

to Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13

that have different features

and capabilities.

We hope this article has helped you

to learn more about Pcpdfwin Jcpds Software 13

and its alternatives

for XRD analysis. 6c859133af


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